Resiliency Check in



Resiliency means the ability to bounce back! When we are in our resilient zone we can handle the stresses that happen during the day and react with the best part of ourselves.


Make sure to check in with yourself…

You are WORTH it!

Remember: Its okay to feel happy, sad, mad, or glad! All emotions are normal to feel. We can not choose how we feel all the time but we can choose how we act (or manifest that emotion)! So when we are feeling on red we can take some time use our calm down tools.

Help Now Strategies

These tools can help you get back into your resilience zone!

  1. .Drink a glass of water or juice or cup of tea. 

  2. Name six colors you see in the room and/ or 3 sounds your hear outside

  3. Count backwards from 10

  4. Go on a walk, notice how your feet are making contact with the ground.

  5. Push your hands against the wall or door slowly and notice your muscles in your arms and/or your legs.


Calm Down Strategies

Grounding & Resourcing


Resilience means the ability to BOUCE BACK!

“You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, ‘I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.’ ~Eleanor Roosevelt